Maria our mother: 
As children of God, we face the care of our mother Maria; She leads us to Jesus. Many of our brothers have come to us because Maria has called her.
- For us, the Marienweigh is important.
- We pray daily the rosary.
- We look after Marien Pilgrimage.
- We invite to Fatima days and heart Maria Atonement Saturdays.
- We accompany pilgrimages to Mary's pilgrimages.
- We take her words and clues from church recognized embassies seriously.
The merciful Samaritan
... Jesus said. What do you mean: Who from these three has proved to be the next one who was attacked by the robbers? The Law Teacher replied: who acted mercially on him. Then Jesus said to him, then go and handle the same!? (Lk 10,26-42)
Our mission
The merciful Samaritans, from the parable of Jesus, is our role model. So we use our talents in this spirit. For example:
- From the consideration of the Word (Lectio Divina) and the common prayer.
- in healing days and
- Seminars (see
- by spiritual accompaniment (confession and debate).
- in religious children's and adolescence weeks (and short meetings). - in the care of parish and pilgrimage churches.
- in our private practice, St. Lukas' (medical help for the body).
Our emblem
In the middle of the pentagon, the heart of Maria is portrayed with the seven swords (the seven pain of Mary) and the love flame that is Jesus himself. In the center of the flame is the merciful Samaritan (Jesus itself). Especially present in the Holy Eucharist, indicated by the host in the background.